.Heindl Solutions - HDevelop syntax highlighting in WordPress

HDevelop syntax highlighting in WordPress

2015-08-25 by Andreas Heindl

If you want to post HDevelop code to your Wordpress site, I recommend using Crayon Syntax Highlighter. It can be customized to display the HDevelop/HALCON programming language quiet correctly.

  • Install the plugin Crayon Syntax Highlighter via Plugins / Add new in your Wordpress Dashboard.
  • Unzip the attached language description file wordpress-crayon-langs.zip into the langs/ directory.
  • Unzip the attached theme description file wordpress-crayon-themes.zip into the themes/ directory.
  • Create a new post. In Wordpress' TinyMCE editor (Text mode) you should see button labeled crayon. Press this to insert a HDevelop code snippet. Make sure to select the language HALCON and the theme HDevelop.

When everything worked as expected, the file layout should be the following:

|   |-- langs
|   |   |-- halcon
|   |   |   |-- README.md
|   |   |   |-- control.txt
|   |   |   |-- halcon.txt
|   |   |   |-- operator.txt
|   |   |   `-- reserved.txt
|   |-- themes
|   |   |-- hdevelop
|   |   |   `-- hdevelop.css
